Search Rescue Funding

Thompson-Nicola RD

WHEREAS volunteer Search and Rescue organizations abound throughout the Province of British Columbia and, without regard for boundaries of local government, respond to the requests of the police and other agencies, to assist in searches, body recoveries and situations where specialized services and manpower are, generally, provided only by Search and Rescue volunteers; AND WHEREAS the funding for the acquisition of much needed equipment, both for the personal needs of the volunteers and the organization itself, are left to the organizations themselves with nominal funding provided by the Provincial Emergency Program on a task by task basis; AND WHEREAS if there are to be effective and capable Search and Rescue organizations throughout the province, it would be in the best interests of the provincial government to provide consistent and ongoing funding: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of BC Municipalities lobby the provincial government to assume responsibility to provide funding, for capital and operational needs, to Search and Rescue organizations that adequately addresses the needs of these groups around the Province of British Columbia.

Convention Decision
Not Admitted for Debate