Search and Rescue Funding

Peace River RD

Whereas Search and Rescue volunteers are key partners of the RCMP, BC Ambulance, Emergency Management BC, Fire Departments, and local governments during emergencies; And whereas Search and Rescue organizations are spending an increasing percentage of their time fundraising to cover training and equipment costs to comply with training requirements and record keeping responsibilities they must meet under Emergency Management BC; And whereas in February 2018, the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General approved in principle the development of a government administered framework model that provides for equitable allocation of a secure funding stream for BC Search and Rescue: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request that the framework for a government administered fund for BC Search and Rescue be finalized by the Ministry of Public Safety Solicitor General to provide secure funding and equitable allocation of funding to BC Search and Rescue so that they can continue to thrive and provide vital support in times of emergency using trained, skilled volunteers to protect the safety of the public.

Convention Decision
Not Admitted for Debate