Sale of Hydroponics Equipment


WHEREAS residential marijuana grow operations pose significant threats to public health and safety, including fire and electrocution; AND WHEREAS hydroponics equipment is commonly used in residential marijuana grow operations; AND WHEREAS incorrect installation and use of hydroponics equipment increases the likelihood of fire and electrocution: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Province of British Columbia enact legislation that would act to regulate the sale of hydroponics equipment by ensuring that: - hydroponics equipment is only sold by licensed retailers; and - purchasers of hydroponics equipment have a valid electrical permit prior to the purchase of hydroponics equipment.

Provincial Response

MINISTRY OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND SOLICITOR GENERAL The Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General is aware that residential marijuana grow operations create significant safety concerns for individuals, communities and the public at large. In order to assist local governments in dealing with those safety issues, the Province of British Columbia Province amended the Safety Standards Act in 2006 to provide a mechanism to allow local government to identify potential electrical and fire safety hazards by requesting reports of unusual residential electrical consumption from electrical distribution companies. The Province will be examining what impact on safety these amendments have had and whether additional measures are necessary. At this time, there is insufficient evidence to show that licensing vendors to sell hydroponics equipment and requiring purchasers to hold a permit before purchasing hydroponics equipment will be effective in addressing marijuana grow operations. The complexity of this problem requires careful examination of the legal issues, the potential impact on personal privacy, and unnecessary impact on legitimate business owners before regulation of this nature can be considered.

Convention Decision