Safer Cycling Conditions

Comox Valley RD

WHEREAS getting people out of their cars and onto bicycles reduces global warming, decreases air pollution and creates a healthier population; AND WHEREAS unsafe cycling conditions are a major deterrent to getting people onto their bicycles: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Ministry of Transportation provide additional resources for year round, regular sweeping of road shoulders and cycle lanes in order to remove gravel and debris and thus create safer cycling.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Transportation Infrastructure The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure recognizes the health, environmental, social and economic benefits of cycling. Through its maintenance contractors the Ministry provides many maintenance services that benefit cyclists e.g., shoulder sweeping, debris removal, line painting, pavement rehabilitation etc.. Ministry staff regularly meet with the maintenance contractor to discuss the needs of all road users. The sweeping of highway shoulders is provided, as part of the maintenance contract, on a regular frequency, with additional service being provided if debris accumulates and creates a dangerous environment for highway users. Debris will begin to accumulate on a highway shoulder as soon as sweeping has occurred. This is especially true on highways with high traffic volumes and speeds as the wind created by the vehicles pushes the debris to the shoulder. The Ministry monitors the performance of the maintenance contactors and can audit their records to determine if the minimum sweeping frequencies are being met, and if additional services are being provided when warranted i.e., the amount or size of the debris is dangerous to cyclists.

Convention Decision