Rural Policing


WHEREAS it is generally recognized that police work in BC is heavily urban focused; however increasing the number of general duty municipal officers should not come at the expense of a reasonable level of police service in rural communities; AND WHEREAS there has been little or no increase in the number of provincially funded general duty officers over the past several years, compromising police service levels in many rural communities throughout BC: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Government of BC review its rural police resourcing models to ensure that adequate resources are available to properly police rural communities.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Justice Under the Police Act, the Minister of Justice is responsible for overseeing policing and ensuring that an adequate and effective level of policing and law enforcement is maintained throughout the Province, both in municipalities and provincial areas. The RCMP is reviewing existing service delivery to implement new policing models, where appropriate, that will improve policing in remote and rural areas while ensuring member and public safety. The Ministry will also review the structure of Policing in the Province and consider models of service delivery as one of the action items identified as part of the BC Policing and Community Safety Plan.

Other Response

RCMP The BC RCMP provides provincial policing services to British Columbia under contract between Public Safety Canada and the Province of BC. We are committed to working closely with the Police Services Division to ensure an appropriate and effective policing level throughout the province. These resolutions will be a very important component of the information we will use in our discussions with Police Services Division.

Convention Decision