Rural Paratransit Tax Credit

Powell River RD

WHEREAS Canada Revenue Agency provides tax benefits for Canadians who use transit services in urban areas; AND WHEREAS Canada Revenue Agency does not provide any tax relief for Canadians using rural paratransit; AND WHEREAS senior governments are encouraging Canadians to use transit as opposed to their cars: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of BC Municipalities work with the Federation of Canadian Municipalities to negotiate with Canada Revenue Agency for transit tax benefits in rural areas.

Other Response

FCM UBCM resolution 2007 B13 was considered at the September 2008 FCM National Board of Directors meeting under the number RF08.2.02. The resolution was placed in Category A, described as containing resolutions on issues that are of direct concern to Canadian municipalities and that fall within the jurisdiction of the federal government, the provincial and territorial governments acting at the inter-provincial level, or FCM itself, and was adopted.

Convention Decision