Rural Development Ministry

NCMA Executive

WHEREAS most of British Columbia is comprised of rural areas, small cities and towns which lag behind their urban and suburban neighbours in business and job opportunities, access to amenities and services; AND WHEREAS all of British Columbia must prosper if the province is to remain strong and continue to provide the richness of our natural resources, economy, culture and heritage; AND WHEREAS agriculture, forestry, mining, tourism, oil and gas from rural areas are significant economic drivers for the province: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM lobby the Province to recognize the importance of strengthening existing business, enhancing job opportunities, building infrastructure, and developing emerging opportunities in rural place based economies, by implementing an adequately funded Rural Development Ministry.

Convention Decision
Not Considered - Automatic Referral to Executive
Executive Decision
Referred back to sponsor for clarification on whether the concerns expressed in the resolution are addressed by the Ministry of Community Rural Development portfolio.