Road RescueSearch Rescue

Bulkley-Nechako RD

WHEREAS in rural areas of the province rescue operations typically occur on provincial highways, or on Crown lands; AND WHEREAS search and rescue activities are most commonly undertaken under the direction of the Provincial Emergency Program with little or no involvement of local governments; AND WHEREAS search and rescue operations are under-funded and it is therefore necessary for volunteers to spend time fundraising which may or may not be completely successful: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM lobby the provincial government to create a province-wide, comprehensive, provincially funded, and provincially managed road rescue, and search and rescue system.

Provincial Response

MINISTRY OF PUBLIC SAFETY SOLICITOR GENERAL The Province recently allocated 180,000 to search and rescue teams in British Columbia to assist with funding search and rescue operational costs and the purchase of third party liability insurance. Long term funding options continue to be explored and discussed between appropriate provincial and federal government agencies and search and rescue organizations. Initial work is also underway to determine the overall number, type, and capability of road rescue service providers in British Columbia. Once completed, information will be used to develop a longer term provincial strategy to ensure road rescue services on public highways are effectively supported and coordinated throughout the province.

Convention Decision