Riparian Area Protection on Private Forest Lands


WHEREAS the study of ecosystem services as they relate to water is still developing and scientists are working to understand human impacts on water and the functions of fresh-water ecosystems in storing, filtering and purifying water; AND WHEREAS the Private Managed Forest Land Act does not impose ecosystem-based riparian regulations and permits selective harvesting to the waters edge on all water courses including fish-bearing streams and community drinking water sheds: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of BC Municipalities request the provincial government amend the Private Managed Forest Land Act to adopt riparian reserves with the goal to maintain and restore the productivity and resiliency of riparian ecosystems by maintaining along a stream or river all the biological and physical characteristics of an undisturbed forest, including both buffering and connectivity.

Convention Decision
Not Considered - Automatic Referral to Executive
Executive Decision
Referred to Environment Committee
Committee Decision
Endorsed as Amended