Review of Down-loaded Building Codes


Whereas after much debate about the accuracy and effectiveness of the code revision process, under recent changes to the BC Building Code, national building regulations now apply to smaller two-storey homes under 2,000 square feet, while previously these regulations applied only to larger buildings; And whereas the Victoria Residential Builders Association has expressed concern to local governments that applying additional new regulations to two-storey homes under 2,000 square feet will drive construction costs upwards, thereby triggering extinction of affordable housing for the average BC family; And whereas the affordability of new housing, particularly work-force housing such as smaller two-storey homes under 2,000 square feet, is a key component to local government economic vibrancy and sustainability: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM urge the Governments of British Columbia and Canada to engage a qualified, independent third party to undertake a cost-benefit review of the impacts on affordability, as well as on safety and energy efficiency, of applying future new national building regulations to two-storey homes under 2,000 square feet.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Natural Gas and Responsible for Housing To develop building codes that are scientifically sound, nationally consistent, and affordable, the Province works with Codes Canada at the National Research Council to develop model National Construction Codes. The National Codes are updated, typically every five years, to reflect new and improved technologies; address emerging health and safety issues; and meet changing needs. The Province adopts the model National Codes as the BC Codes, but only after careful review and with modifications that reflect specific needs in our Province. The BC Building Code applies to all buildings constructed, altered, renovated or demolished in British Columbia with the exception of those in Vancouver or on federal lands. The technical requirements in the BC Building Code have always applied to housing of any size. Broadly speaking, simplified, and usually prescriptive requirements apply to homes with a footprint under 600m2 6500 square feet, whereas more complex requirements apply to homes larger than this. Developing technical building requirements is a complex, intensive process that involves balancing interests, peer review, building science and careful cost-benefit analysis. Affordability, safety and energy efficiency are always examined by multiple parties whenever new technical building requirements are considered for adoption in the BC Building Code.

Convention Decision