Revenue Generating Capability


WHEREAS the approval of casinos in certain local governments has had the unintended consequence of creating a disparity amongst British Columbia local governments in their ability to generate non-traditional revenues; AND WHEREAS this disparity results in decreased sustainability and a less attractive environment for development in communities that do not have this revenue-generating ability: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of BC Municipalities work in conjunction with the provincial government to develop a strategy that provides other non traditional revenue generating capabilities for local governments across the province.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Community Services Local governments have indicated an interest in a broader range of financial tools. The Province has responded with a number of opportunities for revenue sharing between the Province and local governments including the opportunity for revenue sharing of casino revenues. At the September 2004 UBCM Convention, the Premier announced the creation of the Premiers Task Force on Community Opportunities the Task Force. Part of the mandate of the Task Force is to consider opportunities for revenue sharing between the Province and communities. The Task Force is working with government to identify opportunities and parameters for the use of revenue sharing as an incentive for actions and decisions by local governments that contribute to the provincial economy. The continuing mandate of the Task Force was confirmed at the 2005 UBCM Convention. Also at the 2004 UBCM Convention, the Premier announced an enhanced program of Traffic Fine revenue sharing that benefits all communities that pay for policing. This program was valued at 41.8 million in 200405 and 48.9 million in 200506. In addition, the Province, together with the federal government and UBCM, negotiated the first tri-partite agreement on federal gas tax investments in British Columbias cities and communities to support environmentally sustainable infrastructure and a long-term vision to promote the sustainability of British Columbia cities and communities.

Convention Decision
Endorsed as Amended