Restricting the Importation of Precursor Products

Metro Vancouver RD

WHEREAS Canadas role as a producer and exporter of manufactured drugs, such as crystal meth and ecstasy, has been increasing over the last few years; AND WHEREAS organized criminal groups are operating laboratories to manufacture amphetamine-type stimulants ATS and are major suppliers to the USA, Australian and European markets; AND WHEREAS legislation to control the importation of substances used to produce amphetamine-type stimulants has been shown to be effective in deterring drug production in other countries; AND WHEREAS Canada has obligations under the 1988 United Nations Convention to take steps to prevent the diversion of precursor substances and to monitor their manufacture and distribution with a view to reducing significantly the manufacture of synthetic drugs: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of BC Municipalities be requested to call upon the Province of BC to work with its federal counterparts to enact more stringent regulations under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act and Precursor Control Regulations to: 1. restrict the importation of key precursor products and ensure that only legitimate manufacturers are able to obtain precursor chemicals; and 2. enforce the regulations and monitor the end use from bulk sales of precursor chemicals.

Convention Decision
Not Admitted for Debate