Restore Gaming Grants


WHEREAS non-profit organizations provide valuable services to citizens residing in municipalities throughout BC and most of these organizations rely on funding from all 3 levels of government; AND WHEREAS most of these organizations have lost significant operating funds due to cuts and changes to the Community Gaming Grant program resulting in additional funding demands at the local government level: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that non-restricted funding from the Provinces general revenues be restored immediately to non-profit organizations at least at the level adjusted for inflation provided in 2008-2009; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the eligibility criteria for Community Gaming Grants be reviewed and revised so that funding to non-profit organizations will be accessible at, and restored to, 2008-2009 levels.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Community, Sport Cultural Development In response to the concerns raised by changes to gaming criteria and funding, Mr. Skip Triplett was appointed to lead a review into Community Gaming Grants. The Review visited 14 communities in person, and conducted 5 video and teleconferences during August and September to gather input from individuals and non-profit organizations through a series of Community Forums. The Terms of Reference of the Community Gaming Grant Review was to: - review legislation that governs community gaming grant funding; - review and provide funding formula options; - review criteriaeligibility for organizations applying for community gaming; - review and provide options regarding the processes involved with applying for and receiving community gaming grants; - review and provide options for a multi-year funding model; and - review and provide options for the future role of government in managing community gaming grants Mr. Tripletts final report with options was submitted to the Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development on October 31, 2011 for consideration and review. The Province announced on Jan. 11, 2012 that it would be implementing a number of changes to the allocation of community gaming grants, including: - Increasing gaming grant funding by 15 million in the governments base budget, beginning this fiscal year and going forward. - Reinstating funding eligibility for environmental, animal welfare and adult arts and sports groups, with an immediate application intake to ensure those groups are funded this fiscal year. - Increasing funding to groups that have experienced grant reductions during the past three years. - Exploring options for implementing a multi-year funding program that will offer groups more certainty and streamline the application process.

Convention Decision