Restoration of BC Agriculture Extension Services


Whereas the agriculture industry in BC is an extremely important economic sector providing strong and independent jobs with good potential for growth with the right forms of support; And whereas British Columbia has the oldest farmers on average in Canada 56 years and the lowest percentage of farmers under 25 years of age, necessitating the need for training a new generation of farmers; And whereas there are significant gaps in knowledge and training for existing farmers and those wanting to enter the agriculture sector; And whereas due to various factors, including climate change, aging demographic of farmers, Provincial expropriation of lands to accommodate industry and emphasis on revenue from exports, our ability to provide a sustainable food source for British Columbians is declining; And whereas for the purpose of defining the scope of Agricultural services that should be provided in the Province of British Columbia, Extension Services will be defined as, the process of facilitating access toand transfer ofknowledge and innovation among agricultural producers in a manner that enables them to prosper and adapt to changing conditions: Therefore be it resolved that in support of the Province of British Columbias Jobs Strategy, UBCM urge the Province of British Columbia to deliver a province-wide community based agricultural extension program to support knowledge enhancement for new, prospective and existing farmers in British Columbia while improving future food security.

Convention Decision
Not Admitted for Debate