Responding to the Threat of Tsunamis

Port Alberni

WHEREAS the British Columbia Utilities Commission approved the 2004 Transmission System Capital Plan of the British Columbia Transmission Corporation without any reference to the risk of tsunamis in the managed risk program; AND WHEREAS hydro transmission infrastructure critical to the economic and physical health of Vancouver Island coastal communities and essential for the timely recovery from natural disasters, remains located within known tsunami inundation zones: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of BC Municipalities request that the BC Utilities Commission and the British Columbia Transmission Corporation ensure that the next update to this plan identify tsunamis as a managed risk program with a commitment to analyze the risk, prioritize action and schedule the implementation of priorities, with full consultation with our coastal communities.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources This resolution, brought forward by the City of Port Alberni, asks that the UBCM request the British Columbia Utilities Commission and the British Columbia Transmission Corporation BCTC to ensure the next update to the BCTCs Capital Plan Plan identify tsunamis as a managed risk program, with a commitment to analyze the risk, prioritize action, and schedule implementation, in consultation with coastal communities. In response, the BCTC has committed to include tsunami risk as an assessment criterion for their seismic risk management program. Potential solutions to any tsunami risks identified would then be prioritized along with seismic risk mitigation solutions in the annual Plan. An important part of the Plan is the public involvement process to ensure British Columbians are informed and actively involved in discussions about major initiatives proposed in the Plan. The BCTC is sending a detailed letter and is willing to meet with the UBCM or with coastal community mayors to discuss this further, if such a meeting is desired.

Other Response

BRITISH COLUMBIA TRANSMISSION CORPORATION ...BCTC was made aware of this resolution prior t the UBCM convention, and the resolution was discussed by BCTC System Planning and Asset Management staff. BCTC plans to include earthquake-induced tsunami risk in the assessment criteria for our seismic risk management program for transmission assets. Potential projects identified to mitigate seismic risk - including earthquake-induced tsunami risks - would then be prioritized and the top priorities included in the annual BCTC Capital Plan. BCTCs processes for prioritizing projects are set out in our Capital Plan, and the Capital Plan, once filed with the BCUC, is subject to public review - generally as a written hearing - through the BCUC. BCTC expects to file its next Capital Plan with the British Columbia Utilities Commission in the fall of 2006. In addition, BCTC holds an annual provincial planning forum, as well as regional planning sessions, to obtain input on our capital planning processes. These sessions are open to all interested parties and we encourage the involvement of local governments and others interested in our planning. Should a project related to earthquake-induced tsunami risk at a particular location be prioritized for mitigation, BCTC would contact the community in question to discuss the proposed solutions. We understand that earthquake-induced tsunami risk is of concern to coastal communities. Last July, Bob Stone, Acting Manager of BCTCs Vancouver Island Control Centre, participated in a Port Alberni Town Hall meeting on tsunami risk to answer questions related to the electrical system posed by townhall participants. BCTC would be happy to participate in similar events in the future. As well, wed be pleased to meet with you andor with representatives of coastal municipalities to discuss our seismic risk mitigation program and other related issues of interest to coastal communities...

Convention Decision