Resourcing Collaborative Planning on Provincial Crown Land

Columbia Shuswap RD

Whereas cumulative development pressures and conflicts on provincial Crown land continue to escalate in a context of outdated land use management plans, most of which have not been updated for approximately 15 or more years; And whereas the provincial government has recently stated its intent to modernize land-use planning and sustainable management of BC ecosystems in collaboration with stakeholders: Therefore be it resolved that the Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development be urged to take a leadership role and immediately provide sufficient funding and resources to enable effective, community-based, collaborative land use planning for Crown land which includes First Nations, local governments, provincial government agencies, industry sectors, interest groups, and local residents.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development Modernized land use planning program development began in 2018 and will be jointly designed and led by the Government of B.C. and First Nation governments. It will evaluate historic land use plans, explore new land use opportunities, and respond to emerging challenges in the management of B.C.s public lands and natural resources. The Province envisions a fiscally modest program that will be targeted and scalable. Communities, local governments, industry and other stakeholders will also have the opportunity to provide feedback on the programs design. Land use planning projects are expected to begin in April 2019.

Convention Decision