Residential Tenancy Act Review


Whereas British Columbia is in a housing crisis and the Residential Tenancy Act is intended to provide a fair balance between the right of tenants to safe and secure affordable housing and the right of landlords to maintain their property and see a return on their investment; And whereas the current Residential Tenancy Act was enacted in 2004 and the last comprehensive review was completed over 20 years ago 2001-2002, and there is no indication from the Province that a new review will be conducted; And whereas the Province is investing 15 million over three years to hire and train more Residential Tenancy Branch staff and the Province reports a growing caseload for adjudicating disputes between renters and landlords: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM lobby the Province of British Columbia to conduct a formal review of the Residential Tenancy Act that includes meaningful consultation with stakeholders and considers tenancy legislation enacted in other Canadian jurisdictions.

Convention Decision