Whereas the provincial government is committed to improving access to justice and the courts, and appoints and pays judges for the courts; And whereas rural communities typically make do with a part-time circuit judge once a month, while hundreds of millions of dollars has been allocated to improving court access in urban centers:, Therefore be it resolved the provincial government mandate increased access to the courts in rural BC by providing a bi-monthly circuit court judge so that routine court matters may be dealt with in a more expedient manner.
Ministry of Attorney General Government is committed to investing in a modern, innovative, and timely Justice System that serves the needs of British Columbians. British Columbians deserve a court system that is properly staffed and able to hear and resolve disputes in a timely manner. Thats why our government is increasing the number of sheriffs and court administration staff as well as expanding the use of duty counsel to address court delays. In addition, the Ministry is reviewing courthouse facilities Province-wide as part of the Capital Asset Management Planning process to prepare for facility needs into the future. The allocation of judicial resources to Provincial court locations remains under the sole authority of the Office of the Chief Judge of the Province of British Columbia and is not within the purview of the Ministry of Attorney General.