Renewable Energy Requirement

Dawson Creek

WHEREAS all levels of government have a moral and economic imperative to enable solutions that help prevent dangerous climate change, and in BC the provincial government and local governments have made specific commitments to do so, such as: the provincial governments greenhouse gas emissions reductions targets of 33 below 2007 levels by 2020 and 80 below 2007 levels by 2050 Greenhouse Gas Reduction Targets Act; the local government greenhouse gas reduction targets set in their Official Community Plans and Regional Growth Strategies as required in the Local Government Green Communities Statues Amendment Act; and the Provinces goal of net zero homes and buildings by 2020; AND WHEREAS greenhouse gas emissions from buildings make up 11.4 of total provincial emissions based on the 2008 provincial inventory, and local governments have limited jurisdiction to require the energy efficiency or renewable energy improvements to buildings needed to meet the above commitments: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the UBCM and member local governments work with the provincial government to develop an amendment to the provincial building code to implement the option for a local government to impose a 10 minimum renewable energy requirement for new residential and commercial buildings within its jurisdiction.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Energy Mines The Province is currently developing a code change to improve energy performance for new housing as part of the 2012 Code. We will be launching a public consultation on this provision later this year. Before we could consider a regulation requiring 10 percent renewable energy for all new buildings we would first need to look at a number of criteria, primarily how the construction costs would affect the final purchase price for homebuyers. The fall consultation will provide an opportunity for builders, consumers and local governments to review the changes and provide feedback on what is currently being considered. We will also include costing estimates to help define the impact and shape the discussion.

Convention Decision