Registration of Notice of Natural Hazard on Property Title


WHEREAS local governments receive geotechnical reports, which identify natural hazards on properties within their jurisdiction; AND WHEREAS local governments are not authorized by the Land Title Act, the Community Charter or the Local Government Act to register a notice of a natural hazard on the title of property where a hazard has been identified: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of BC Municipalities lobby the provincial government to amend the Land Title Act to allow local governments to file a notice of a natural hazard on the title of a property within the jurisdiction of the local government.

Provincial Response

Land Title Survey Authority of British Columbia The former Municipal Act, sections 6995 and 6996, had two sections that covered this issue either in whole or in part. These same sections have been re-enacted as sections 56 and 57 of the Community Charter. Therefore, we are of the opinion that the existing legislation addresses this issue.

Convention Decision