Regional Growth Strategy

Comox Valley RD

WHEREAS section 848 of the Local Government Act LGA excludes electoral areas considered an affected local government so that the elected officials from these electoral areas cannot accept a regional growth strategy RGS; AND WHEREAS the elected officials of an electoral area are not deemed to be a local government within the definition of affected local government as per section 848 of the LGA but could, with a successful legislative amendment, be included in the definition; AND WHEREAS the above amendments affect section 8573a of the LGA and therefore this section also needs to be amended to include electoral area directors as the listed entities that may vote on the adoption of a RGS: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that section 848 of the Local Government Act be amended to include, as the last portion of the definition, the following text: and all elected officials of electoral areas within the area of jurisdiction for which a regional growth strategy is prepared; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that section 8573a of the Local Government Act be amended to include the following text bold and underlined: 3 For the purposes of this section, before third reading of the bylaw to adopt a regional growth strategy, the board must submit the regional growth strategy to: a the council of each municipality and the electoral areas committee, if any, all or part of which are covered by the regional growth strategy,

Convention Decision
Not Endorsed