Whereas section 386 of the Local Government Act requires a municipality to charge out the regional district requisition on an assessment base or as a parcel tax; And whereas when the service is billed to the municipality based on something other than assessment base, the municipality should have the option to bill said charge out based on volume flow or based on assessment and not mandated to use only the assessment base: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM write to the Minister of Municipal Affairs requesting a change be made to the Local Government Act section 386 1 c notwithstanding section 386 1 a, in the case of an amount to be recovered where the charge to be recovered is itself based on a volume flow charge, the option is available to impose a fee based on the flows used or consumed by the tax base.
Ministry of Municipal Affairs Regional district requisitions are statutorily designed to recover taxes only, not fees. Regional districts have the authority to directly levy fees for services within a service area. Alternatively, regional districts may enter into agreements with member municipalities for bulk services e.g. bulk water. The member municipalities can then recover the costs as they choose fit, including a metered user-fee.