Reduction in Hydro Natural Gas Rates for Recreational Facilities


WHEREAS the initiative in BC is to increase physical activity levels of British Columbians by 20 by 2010 and local governments play an important role in creating the kinds of environments that help people make healthy choices in all areas of their lives, improving quality of life and reducing demand on the healthcare system; AND WHEREAS the use of recreational facilities promotes healthier citizens and healthier citizens result in a reduction in health care costs: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the UBCM urge the Province to consider the elimination of the tiered rate system for municipal recreation facilities, given that such facilities promote healthy living and reduce provincial health costs.

Provincial Response

MINISTRY OF ENERGY, MINES PETROLEUM RESOURCES Rates for energy utility customers are governed by the British Columbia Utilities Commission BCUC. The BCUC reviews utility proposals for changes to both the level and the structure of rates charged to its customers. The BCUC is a quasi-judicial body whose mandate is to ensure that customers receive safe, reliable and non-discriminatory energy services at fair rates from the utilities it regulates, that shareholders of these utilities are afforded a reasonable opportunity to earn a fair return on their invested capital, and that the competitive interests of British Columbia businesses are not frustrated. The BCUCs public reviews of utility applications include opportunities for stakeholders and interested parties to participate and make their views and concerns known. BC Hydro recently applied to the BCUC for a new tiered rate for its general service customers, under which recreational facilities would likely fall. That application is currently under review. Information on the application can be found on the BCUC website at: http:www.bcuc.comApplicationView.aspx?ApplicationId251 .

Convention Decision
Endorsed as Amended