Recall of Local Government Elected Officials


WHEREAS the recently extended term of office for local government elected officials in BC negatively affects the ability of the local electorate to vote for change in their local government; AND WHEREAS there is a potential for local government elected officials to pursue activities that are not supported by, and not in the best interests of their constituents, potentially causing financial, social or operational harm in their communities: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request that the Province of British Columbia amend BCs Community Charter to include a mechanism enabling voters to recall their local government elected officials, whereby the signatures of more than 50 of registered municipal or ward voters would be required, with the petition being initiated no less than 18 months after the date the local government elected official was sworn in to office, following the same recall timeline currently being used by Elections BC for the recall of Members of the Legislative Assembly.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Community, Sport Cultural Development The Province recognizes that democratic and accountable local governments depend on elected officials, such as mayors and councillors, who have the legal authority and responsibility to make decisions on behalf of their communities. Local government elections provide the fundamental democratic framework around which elected officials are ultimately held accountable for their decisions and actions. The Province supports local governments taking more responsibility for the ethical conduct for representatives. The Community Charter already contains provisions including disqualification for ethical conduct and conflict of interest issues, among others. For example, if a municipal council member is disqualified from holding local elected office, but continues to act in office, the municipality, by a 23 vote of council, or 10 or more electors of a municipality, may apply to the Supreme Court to have that person declared disqualified. Reasons for disqualification include conflict of interest, failure to take the oath of office, unexcused absence from council meetings, and unauthorized expenditures. In addition, there are various tools local governments can use to support and clarify expected standards of behaviour, such as codes of conduct and oaths of office. Recall legislation for local governments is not being considered at this time.

Convention Decision
Endorsed as Amended