Ranchers Role During Wildfires

Cariboo RD

Whereas many ranchers have heavy equipment, local expertise, and will stay to fight wildfires to protect their livestock, structures and land, sometimes for significant periods before the BC Wildfire Service is able to arrive; And whereas the BC Wildfire Service does not make exceptions to rules and procedures for ranchers or work collaboratively with ranchers during wildfire events: Therefore be it resolved that in recognition that ranchers have equipment and local expertise that can assist in fighting wildfires, which can save structures, livestock, and lands, the BC Wildfire Service be urged to find ways to work collaboratively with ranchers in the suppression of wildfires.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations Rural Development Fighting wildfires is dangerous and demanding work and safety of emergency responders and the public is always a top priority. Hence, all firefighters employed by the BC Wildfire Service are trained to meet or exceed national training standards. In addition, we recognise the value of local knowledge with respect to local conditions and terrain and work collaboratively with local residents and communities during the fire season. We appreciated the initial conversation between the BCWS and the BC Cattlemens Association in late October and anticipate further conversation on how these resources, including the ranching community, might further benefit wildfire prevention, mitigation and response, while respecting the need to ensure public safety. We have learned a lot from the 2017 fire season. Through the 2017 After Action Review and ongoing discussion we will be looking to further embed positive practices while addressing any areas for improvement with respect to natural hazard response. BCWS has scheduled a follow-up meeting with the BC Cattlemens Association in February 2018.

Convention Decision