Rainwater as a Potable Water Source

Nanaimo RD

Whereas small water systems that operate under the Drinking Water Protection Act and provide water to the public have the need for alternate potable water supplies in rural, un-serviced communities in BC; And whereas rainwater has the potential to be a safe additional drinking water source to augment low-yielding groundwater or surface water supplies; Therefore be it resolved that UBCM urge the Province to develop rainwater-specific treatment objectives and standards, source characterization protocols and infrastructure requirements, to enhance the ability of small water system operators to implement and local health authorities to approve rainwater sources for potable water.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Health The use of rainwater as a drinking source is an emerging issue in jurisdictions across the world. The BC Government acknowledges the potential for rainwater to be used as a safe drinking water source. While rainwater is essentially a surface water source, special consideration for rainwater collection surfaces and storage reservoirs must be taken. Canadian Standards Association CSA and International Code Council ICC are working to develop a rainwater harvesting system standard. Work includes the development of rainwater-specific treatment objectives and standards, source characterization protocols and infrastructure requirements. Ministry staff are working with Health Canada and participating in the Second Public Review Draft of the CSAICC Rainwater Harvesting Systems standard to evaluate if these are appropriate for adoption, all or in part in the BC context. Ministry staff will continue to consult with the CSA and ICC on the standard and give consideration to its application in British Columbia.

Convention Decision