Rainbow Crosswalks


Whereas LGBTQ2S people in British Columbia experience significantly higher rates of bullying, harassment and suicide than other populations and a lack of visible representation of LGBTQ2S community exacerbates these harms; And whereas a number of local governments in British Columbia are being asked to increase visible representation of the LGBTQ2S community through the installation of rainbow crosswalks and would benefit from standardized guidelines on how to implement such projects: Therefore be it resolved that the Province be requested to inform and advise local governments on best practices to handle such requests, and to provide financial and technical support to local governments regarding visual representations of the LGBTQ2S community, such as rainbow crosswalks.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure Government is interested in supporting local governments by providing best practices for traffic control devices, such as rainbow crosswalk applications. The Ministry is member of the Transportation Association of Canada TAC Traffic Operations and Management Standing Committee, which provides national guidance on traffic control devices. This committee is currently undertaking a project to review the use of rainbows and other decorative pavement marking in crosswalks and will provide guidance for uniform and consistent practice. The Ministry will consider best practices for British Columbia once the national TAC project is completed.

Convention Decision