Radiation Therapy Treatment in Northern BC

Prince George

WHEREAS many residents in northern BC face extreme personal and financial hardship in having to travel hundreds of miles to get radiation therapy treatment that is not available in northern BC; AND WHEREAS consultation with doctors and medical staff in all areas of the Northeast, Northwest and Northern Interior portions of BC will provide information required to access the need and establish such treatment: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of BC Municipalities lobby the provincial government to initiate a study through the BC Cancer Control Agency, with the concept of having full cancer treatment including radiation therapy available in the northern half of the province, with the results of the study to be shared with the Union of BC Municipalities membership; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the study be completed within the next year and include a timetable and guidelines to have radiation therapy treatment available in northern British Columbia as provincial demand increases.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Health Northern Health NH and the BC Cancer Agency BCCA co-sponsored the Northern Cancer Control Report which outlined the steps needed to improve cancer outcomes in the North as quickly as possible. This strategy is the first step towards establishing a Northern Cancer Program that will address the full continuum of cancer control needs in Northern British Columbia by better coordinating existing services and implementing measures to immediately benefit Northern British Columbians. This program lays the foundation for future expansion. Government recognizes that there is strong interest in the provision of radiation therapy in the north. We are looking more closely at other models in Canada before determining future steps for cancer care in northern British Columbia. That work is underway under governance of the NH. In addition, a consultation under leadership of the chair of NH and the president of University of Northern British Columbia that is taking place across the NH will inform this work.

Other Response

BC CANCER AGENCY Thank you for your letter of October 28th, 2005 advising me of the Resolution B41 - Radiation Therapy Treatment in Northern BC - endorsed by the Union of BC Municipalities UBCM at their recent Annual Convention, September 26-30, 2005. As you are probably aware the content of the resolution is, indeed, the subject of a detailed review by the Northern Health Authority NHA, the Provincial Health Services Authority PHSA and the BC Cancer Agency with the full recognition of the provincial government. The findings of the review will be submitted to the Boards of the NHA and PHSA within the time period identified in the resolution. The request in the resolution for the results of the study to be shared with the Union of BC Municipalities is noted. My thanks for kindly advising me of this matter and interest of the Union of BC Municipalities.

Convention Decision