Public School Funding in Northern BC


WHEREAS the current provincial funding formulas do not treat northern school districts fairly; AND WHEREAS this inadequate funding has led to cutbacks in services to children in northern school districts; AND WHEREAS the situation is so severe that northern public school children now receive an inferior education compared to other children in the province: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM make strong representation to the provincial government to ensure that the funding formula is changed to recognize the unique needs of the North and to ensure northern public school children receive public education equivalent to students in other parts of the province.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Education The current education funding formula was developed to give boards of education stable, predictable, multi-year funding envelopes that allow them the flexibility to manage their districts and improve long-term education planning and budgeting. The formula recognizes unique enrolment and geographic characteristics to ensure that funding is provided equitably for all students, in all districts. The Ministry of Education is providing close to 145 million in Unique Geographic Factors funding in 200809 to assist rural, remote and northern districts with the additional costs of acquiring goods and services, including travel, resulting from the greater distances and increased isolation of some of these communities. Since 200102 the Province has increased funding to BCs public schools by close to 1.2 billion. Despite overall declining enrolment, funding to boards has increased to a record 4.467 billion. The Ministry of Education continues to convene a Technical Review Committee. This committee, comprised of a mix of school district officials representing both rural and urban districts, and Ministry staff, meets throughout the fall of each year to review the funding formula and provide recommendations for changes based on their deliberations. The Ministry has taken a number of actions to ensure students in rural communities have the education they need to build a successful future. For example, a Rural Strategy Committee has been put in place to develop networks and structures that will enable small districts to meet the recommendations of the Rural Education Task Force full report and recommendations: Conferences for rural educators, parents and trustees have been held, and the Rural Education Network and online training sessions have been established to support rural educators.

Convention Decision