Provincial Water Testing in Rivers

Grand Forks

WHEREAS the Ministry of Environment has downloaded the water quality monitoring of rivers and streams within municipal boundaries to local governments, including the cost of regular testing; AND WHEREAS laboratory examinations for water quality tests in rivers and streams can cost local governments thousands of dollars annually and the results of these laboratory tests are not required by local governments: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Province of British Columbia be petitioned to absorb the cost of water quality monitoring in rivers and streams.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Environment The requirement for dischargers to monitor downstream impacts of their sewage discharges has been in place for several decades. Many larger regional districts, such as the Greater Vancouver Regional District, have been required to monitor downstream since the 1970s. The Ministry of Environments shared stewardship approach requires dischargers, including municipalities and regional districts, to participate in managing the impacts of their discharge activities on the environment. This includes incurring costs related to monitoring and testing for downstream environmental impacts, which is a key activity for ensuring public and environmental health and safety.

Convention Decision