Provincial Policing

Peace River Regional District

Whereas the Province of BC has established a population based formula to allocate RCMP resources to provide police services to the rural areas of the province, which does not address growing property crimes and traffic offences in rural communities; And whereas other jurisdictions have enabled peace officers and sheriffs to assist with traffic offences, warrant apprehension, surveillance and other duties to assist the RCMP: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request that the Province of BC explore the roles of peace officers and sheriffs in other jurisdictions to determine if legislation could be enacted in BC to assist the RCMP by providing similar services, in an effort to increase policing services in the rural areas of the province.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General There are currently no plans at the provincial level to expand the role of sheriffs or other peace officers such that they could assume more police-type functions. In some British Columbia municipalities, police agencies have implemented alternatives to supplement front-line policing such as RCMP auxiliary constables and Community Safety Officers in Vancouver. Enforcement when delivered by a sworn police officer provides the opportunity for police to perform the full range of enforcement duties and respond to a number of potential other offences. Police are also able to make arrests and lay charges under the Criminal Code of Canada.

Convention Decision