Provincial Inspections of Rental Properties

Dawson Creek

WHEREAS affordable, quality housing for low-income residents is a focus area in the Province of BC and healthy living environments need to be provided for our societys most vulnerable citizens; AND WHEREAS there is no current standard, nor inspection process, to ensure a standardized quality for low cost housing units; and tax dollars are paid through the Ministry of Employment and Income Assistance directly to landlords without attaching a requirement for minimum housing standards or inspection to ensure such standards are adhered to: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM lobby the provincial government to ensure that low income housing meets basic habitat requirements through regular inspection as a condition to supplying rental payments to landlords.

Provincial Response

MINISTRY OF EMPLOYMENT AND INCOME ASSISTANCE The Ministry of Employment and Income Assistance Ministry does not have the legal authority to conduct inspections regarding municipal, provincial or federal housing statutes. Municipalities are responsible for administering and enforcing housing standards found under provincial statutes. The majority of municipalities do not have Standards of Maintenance bylaws which would empower them to enforce their own bylaws for housing standards. A portion of Municipal tax revenue is intended for bylaw enforcement. Should Ministry clients have health concerns due to housing standards, they may choose to relocate to new housing that meets their needs. The Ministry will provide assistance to cover the security deposit and in some cases moving fees. With a clients permission, the Ministry will pay the clients shelter assistance directly to the landlord. The arrangement does not take away the legal relationship between landlords and tenants. When landlords do not adhere to minimum housing standards, tenants can access information and dispute resolution services through the governments Residential Tenancy Branch. Low-income tenants may be eligible to have the 50 application fee waived for dispute resolution services.

Convention Decision