Provincial Funding for Energy Retrofits of Buildings


Whereas the BC NDPs Energy and Jobs Plan for BC includes the following priorities: a. Retrofitting public buildings: a serious long-term commitment to energy efficiency in all our public buildings that will save money, will reduce overall demand for energy, and create good-paying jobs and apprenticeships in every community in British Columbia; b. Retrofitting homes and businesses: helping families and businesses replace wasteful equipment, seal leaks and install proper insulationto reduce individual Hydro bills, free up our existing generation capacity, and reduce climate changing emissions; and c. Investing in clean energy: British Columbia has tremendous opportunity to produce renewable energy and export renewable energy technology. By providing investment and leadership, the Province of British Columbia can support our technology sector and foster the good-paying research, engineering and trades jobs of the future.; And whereas the sooner the Province of British Columbia moves on investing in energy conservation and renewable energy production the better, as both are crucial to meeting not only provincial but also local governments climate goals; And whereas Greenhouse Gas GhG emissions from inefficient buildings are high, for example 56percent of all GhG emissions in the City of Vancouver, but the lack of funding for building retrofits is a major barrier for building owners; And whereas Manitoba Hydro provides a good example of how to fund energy retrofits through its onbill financing program whereby loans for energy retrofits are provided to building owners with loan payments matching prior energy bills; And whereas energy retrofit programs such as Manitoba Hydros energy retrofit program have created many new skilled jobs in rural, First Nations and urban communities, and resulted in lower energy bills which contribute to more affordable housing; And whereas the provincial government investment and leadership in renewable energy technologies would help create jobs in BC communities and also help ensure that low-carbon and zero-carbon building components and technologies are available so that builders and local governments can meet the building code requirements in the BC Step Energy Code and Vancouver Building bylaw: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM urge the Province of British Columbia to move quickly to retrofit public buildings, including schools, for energy efficiency; And be it further resolved that the Province implement a program that includes energy retrofit incentives, rebates, loans program, and other funding mechanisms, to help homeowners and businesses finance energy retrofits on their buildings, including nonprofit, co-op and purposebuilt rental housing; And be it further resolved that the Province invest in renewable energy technology development and production that would create jobs throughout BC and help local governments and builders meet building code requirements that are moving towards zero-carbon buildings.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources The Province is currently developing a strategy for a clean growth future; a strategy that will drive innovation, expand energy-efficiency and conservation programs, produce new energy responsibly and sustainably, create investment and good long-term jobs across the province and thereby, establish the pathway to meet the Provinces emission reduction targets. In summer 2018, as part of its work to build a clean growth future for the province, the Government received public input on three intentions papers focused on clean transportation, clean and efficient buildings, and a clean-growth program for industry. In 2019, public input will be sought on more topics including public sector leadership and low carbon energy. In the intentions paper for clean, efficient buildings, actions for consideration include: rebates and low-interest financing, and support for development, commercialization, and demonstration of high performance designs and technologies. The Province is currently developing a new retrofit incentive program to complement existing utility programs for households, businesses, the public sector, and low-income segments. This is all part of the governments long-term clean growth strategy, which will bring together our action on climate change and work already underway to drive sustainable economic growth with cleaner energy and fewer emissions. It will be integrated with the Provinces: - Economic Development Strategy - BCTech Strategy - Emerging Economy Task Force The clean growth strategy is part of the governments commitment to stimulating sustainable growth and jobs using our clean energy to power our economy while driving down greenhouse gas GHG emissions. The same innovations that reduce our emissions and improve our quality of life can help us capture a larger share of the global market for clean energy, technologies, products and expertise. As we begin to implement the strategy in the coming years, we will continue to seek public input on priority areas as outlined in Towards a Clean Growth Future for BC. This will help us update and expand the strategy as new ideas are presented and more opportunities arise. We will also continue to collaborate with the Federal Government through the Pan Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change. We will work in full partnership with Indigenous communities. And we will continue to receive advice from the Climate Solutions and Clean Growth Advisory Council.

Convention Decision
Endorsed as Amended