Provincial Funding for Energy Efficient and Zero Emissions Equipment for Existing Buildings

Metro Vancouver RD

Whereas energy efficient and zero emissions building equipment provide benefits such as lower annual energy costs and improved resilience to extreme heat events; And whereas the CleanBC Better Homes and Better Buildings programs provide incentives and rebates to reduce the significant cost barriers to implementing energy efficiency and zero emissions retrofits for existing buildings, yet multiunit residential buildings including affordable housing have limited access to these incentive programs: Therefore be it resolved that the UBCM urge the Government of BC to significantly increase funding for provincial incentive programs to support energy efficient and zero emissions equipment for existing buildings, to ensure that incentives can leverage pre2030 replacement cycles for residential and commercial building equipment; And be it further resolved that UBCM urge the Government of BC to ensure that existing and future incentives and support programs are available for all building types, prioritizing multiunit rental, affordable and nonmarket housing, and building types that are not covered in current incentives and rebates.

Convention Decision