Provincial Assistance with Local Government Emergency Planning


WHEREAS the Province of British Columbia has adopted legislation requiring that local governments assume responsibility for local emergency management; AND WHEREAS many local government jurisdictions have limited financial resources and it would be valuable to have the Province sponsor a Joint Emergency Preparedness Program funding application on behalf of all BC local governments for certain basic supplies and materials for community Emergency Operations Centres: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of BC Municipalities request that the Province of British Columbia supply all local governments with appropriate BC Emergency Response Management System supplies and materials, available through the Justice Institute of BC, for Emergency Management Centres.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General If an emergency event results in the activation of the BC Emergency Management Structure, many of the expenses sustained by the affected local authority are recoverable through the Province of British Columbia Province. The Financial Assistance Guidelines for Local Authorities and First Nations have been sent to all local governments and First Nations bands to assist officials with the policies and procedures regarding cost recovery of allowable expenses. Emergency Operations Centre EOC staff may contact the appropriate Provincial Emergency Program PEP regional office andor Provincial Regional Emergency Operations Centre before incurring expenses to be certain that those expenses are eligible for recovery. Local authorities may be provided funding for support of EOCs through the Joint Emergency Preparedness Program JEPP which is administered by PEP. JEPP funds are provided under a 5050 cost share basis. The Justice Institute of BC provides free training in EOC roles and responsibilities to local authorities.

Convention Decision