Proposed Tax Authority Restrictions


WHEREAS the Throne Speech presented by the provincial government contained the following reference: more needs to be done to ensure that provincial tax relief is not negated by local property tax hikes. Our government will work with the Union of British Columbia Municipalities to develop new legislation over the summer, for introduction early next year, that will protect provincial tax reductions,; AND WHEREAS the Throne Speech goes on to say that: All levels of government must be equally disciplined to ensure that tax reductions at one level of government are not negated by tax increases at another,; AND WHEREAS this proposed action is another in a long series of actions by the provincial government that interfere in the autonomy of local governments without acknowledging the restrictions already placed on our level of government, such as not being allowed to operate at a deficit; or recognizing the impact of the off-loading of the cost of services from other levels of governments: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of BC Municipalities advise the provincial government that local government will not support any further fiscal restraints on our local government authority including taxation; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the UBCM develop a comprehensive campaign promoting the accomplishments of cities who deliver a wealth of services for only 8 cents of each tax dollar.

Convention Decision