Prohibition of Fighting Events Unless Regulated by an Athletic Commission

North Cowichan

WHEREAS Section 143 2 of the Community Charter authorizes local governments to adopt a bylaw to regulate professional boxing, wrestling and similar activities, contests and exhibitions; AND WHEREAS regulating professional boxing, wrestling and similar activities, contests and exhibitions by an athletic commission ensures fighters safety: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Province of British Columbia prohibit professional boxing, wrestling and similar activities, contests and exhibitions unless regulated by an athletic commission under Section 143 2 of the Community Charter.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Community, Sport Cultural Development Municipalities currently have several ways to regulate athletic events in their jurisdictions. Athletic Commissions can be established under s.143 2 of the Community Charter CC or s. 338 of the Vancouver Charter VC. These commissions have the delegated authority of Council to regulate professional boxing, wrestling and similar activities, contests and exhibitions CC s.143 2a. The provisions are available to oversee and regulate such activities and contests. Athletics Commissions have been created in several municipalities ranging in size from Vancouver to Trail. Additional tools are available to municipalities through their powers to regulate businesses. These powers include prohibiting the kind or location of various types of performances CC s.59 1d, prohibiting the place in which public amusements can be held CC s.59 1e and the outright prohibition of professional boxing, professional wrestling and other professional athletic contests CC s. 59 1f. Keeping the authority to regulate these events within each municipality provides every community the opportunity to decide for itself which events to allow and which to regulate or prohibit. The Province has maintained a clear and consistent position over the past 20 years that it does not regulate sports of any kind. In addition, the province has encouraged the federal government to clarify the appropriate section of the Criminal Code which addresses prize fighting.

Convention Decision