Professional Reliance


Whereas the provincial government is undertaking a review of BCs natural resource sector professional reliance model to be complete by Spring 2018; And whereas the use of professional reliance within BCs resource sector is a long-standing practice; And whereas over the past decade the use of professional reliance has increased in response to governments regulatory reform initiatives; And whereas since 2013 the Environmental Appeal Board, Forest Practices Board, Office of the Auditor General and Office of the Ombudsperson have highlighted the need for adequate oversight of qualified professionals in providing independent, objective advice to government regulators; And whereas there is increasing public concern related to specific instances of decision-making based on professional reliance: Therefore be it resolved that the Government of British Columbia ensure that government oversight of professional associations and professional associations that oversee qualified professionals employ best practices to protect the public interest in the management of public land by the natural resource sector.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Attorney General The Government of British Columbia is addressing this concern of local governments regarding professional reliance and welcomes their support in the continued development of improvements to professional governance. The Professional Governance Act PGA, which received Royal Assent on November 27, 2018, provides a consistent governance framework for self-regulating professions that incorporates best practices of professional governance. The Office of the Superintendent of Professional Governance OSPG was established on June 1, 2019 as a centre of expertise for professional governance matters which has authority to carry out various functions as required or authorized by the PGA. The Superintendent is the head of the OSPG and is responsible for oversight of systemic or general matters relating to professional governance and acting to protect the public interest. The PGA initially includes five professional regulators who oversee agrologists, applied biologists, applied science technologists and technicians, engineers and geoscientists, and forest professionals. Under the PGA, the Superintendent has the authority to consider designating other professional regulators and may also recommend whether to amalgamate existing regulatory bodies. The PGA is being implemented in stages. The first stage was completed in June 2019 with the establishment of the OSPG. Over the next year, the OSPG will focus on regulation development and engagement to further enact provisions in the PGA, enable full functionality of the OSPG, and transition the professional regulators to be fully established as regulatory bodies under the PGA.

Convention Decision