Private Moorage Wharf Tenure

Strathcona RD

WHEREAS the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands is reviewing its policy pertaining to the tenuring of private moorage wharves, and is considering the granting of specific permission tenures at no rental cost: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the UBCM communicate to the Minister of Agriculture and Lands its desire to continue receiving referrals on applications for private moorage wharves; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Minister be requested to ensure that any new tenure for private moorage wharves be limited to a maximum five-year term, with any renewal of permission considered through a review that includes a referral to the regional district.

Provincial Response

Integrated Land Management Bureau The Private Moorage Policy was revised in July 2008. Prior to these revisions UBCM was notified of the pending changes and direct consultation occurred with several municipalities and regional districts who expressed interest in the proposal. Federal and provincial agencies were also consulted and provided input. The Integrated Land Management Bureau ILMB continues to accept applications and issue authorizations for new applications. This process still includes referral to the regional district. However, if a dock has a footprint of less than 20m2, is located on a lake or a river, and satisfies specified criteria the owners do not need to apply to ILMB for a specific permission, they are deemed authorized under a general permission. This streamlining process is intended to deal with low risk situations. For lakes and rivers that are deemed sensitive, ILMB can establish designated areas within which authorization can only be granted for docks if an application is made. Local governments and other agencies can contact their ILMB regional service centres to find out more about the process of having such areas established. The new permissions do not have a set term, unlike the previous tenures that had 10 year terms. The difference is that the permissions can be withdrawn which would require the dock to be removed also at any time if the Minister deems it necessary. While there is provision for set terms, this is intended to be used on an exceptional basis only and where there is a good rationale for limiting the term e.g. the results of a pending coastal planning process that could impact dock location is due in 2015.

Convention Decision
Not Considered - Automatic Referral to Executive
Executive Decision