Whereas BC has experienced unprecedented wildfire activity resulting in significant detrimental and toxic environmental impacts, especially within riparian areas; And whereas many homeowners who have been impacted by wildfires are unable to afford the expensive assessments due to financial constraints thereby not proceeding with cleanup on their properties; And whereas the lack of a timely and flexible Riparian Area Protection Regulation RAPR permit process has not only hindered legitimate cleanup efforts but has also given rise to an increase in reports of illegal dumping causing additional environmental harm; And whereas the Ministry of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship was responsive to developing an expedited and flexible assessment process for wildfire debris cleanup: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM ask the Ministry of Water, Land, and Resource Stewardship to prioritize the development and implementation of an expedited process for cleaning up wildfire debris in riparian areas and develop clear policy guidelines to support the post-wildfire debris cleanup in riparian areas in preparation for future wildfires.