Prawn Fishery Quota

Powell River RD

WHEREAS the economies of many coastal communities are suffering from declines in production and employment traditionally provided by resource industries; AND WHEREAS fisheries quota systems typically concentrate on licenses, employment and revenue in fewer hands and away from smaller centres: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of BC Municipalities petition the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans to consult with affected communities on the proposal to introduce a quota system in the BC prawn fishery or other BC Fisheries as it will reduce employment and revenues in many coastal communities when other options, other than a quota, may be available.

Federal Response

FISHERIES AND OCEANS Liberal Government Resolution B128 requests that Fisheries and Oceans consult with affected coastal communities regarding any possible introduction of a quota system into the prawn-by-trap fishery. The industry representatives elected by the prawn-by-trap sector unanimously decided in late 2005 to discontinue consideration of quota systems in this fishery at this time, as it was divisive within the community of prawn-by-trap fishers. As I stated in my response to Resolution B37, the views of coastal communities are important to the federal government, which is why DFO has and will continue to provide opportunities for coastal community advice on significant changes to fisheries management, and to consider their views in final policy decisions. Should a quota management framework be reintroduced for consideration in this fishery in the future, opportunities for coastal community advice will be provided, as they are with other fisheries. Indeed, the Powell River Regional District may be interested to know that the Prawn Sectoral Committee meetings are open and that municipalities can attend. The lead Resource Manager for the prawn-by-trap fishery will be able to assist with details. His number is 250 756-7233; meeting details are also available on Pacific Regions consultation calendar at http:www-comm.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.capagesconsultationsconsulte.htm.

Convention Decision