Police Officer Recruitment Fund

West Kelowna

WHEREAS the federal government has announced that it will not renew its financial commitment to the Police Officer Recruitment Fund program which expires in March 2013; AND WHEREAS this loss of funding will impact policing costs and programs as the fund aided in adding more police officers across Canada, and the Province utilized funds to create special units to combat major crimes and drugs, thus supporting and enhancing local police forces: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM request the federal Minister of Public Safety and the provincial Minister of Justice and Attorney General to continue funding the Police Officer Recruitment Fund.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Justice Although the federal government has not renewed its funding for the Police Officer Recruitment Fund, the Province recognized the benefit of the Guns and Gangs strategy. As a result, the Province has committed to funding the units created under the original federal Police Officer Recruitment Fund and has extended the financial support.

Federal Response

Minister of Public Safety The Government set aside a one-time allocation of 400 million over five years in Budget 2008 to assist provinces and territories in recruiting additional front-line police officers. Given that policing is primarily a provincial responsibility, the current priority of the federal government is to work with all levels of government to find efficient and effective solutions to strengthen policing in Canada, so as to keep cost increases in check.

Convention Decision