Permanent Substance Abuse Response Funding Program


WHEREAS substance abuse and the production of illegal substances is a serious problem in British Columbia resulting in enormous emotional, financial and social costs; and WHEREAS the Methamphetamine Response Funding Program that was initiated by the Province of British Columbia has contributed to safer communities through education and responsive community initiatives; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Province of British Columbia be urged to provide a permanent funding program that would continue to enable communities to address the problems of substance abuse.

Provincial Response

MINISTRY OF HEALTHY LIVING SPORT To prevent harms from substance use, it is essential to undertake a comprehensive approach that recognizes problematic substance use as a complex problem. This approach must be based on evidence and proven best practices, and utilize a range of tools including policy, universal and targeted education, social marketing, treatment and regulation. Prevention efforts must target the full range of substance use including legal substances alcohol and tobacco, illegal substances and pharmaceuticals. Efforts must also consider the impact of social determinants of health - the economic and social conditions in which people live and work that directly affect their physical and mental health. Health authorities are responsible for the delivery of health promotion and prevention programs related to substance use. Local governments, schools, community organizations and social service agencies are key partners in this effort. Consideration for a permanent prevention funding program must be in the context of and aligned with the development of a 10-year plan to address mental health and substance use in BC and the ongoing work of the health authorities in implementing core functions in public health. These two efforts will strengthen prevention activities related to problematic substance use, including the development of collaborative partnerships between health authorities and local governments to achieve measurable successes in this area.

Convention Decision