Parkland DCC Reserve Expenditure Expansion

West Kelowna

Whereas the Local Government Act legislates the manner in which local governments may collect, hold and use development cost charges DCCs for the capital costs of parkland; And whereas the Local Government Act permits the use of DCC money for landscaping on parkland, allowing for the construction of playing fields including such items as levelling ground, planting grass and other plant material, the legislation does not contemplate different forms of playing field surfaces such as manufactured surfaces and artificial turf which promotes water conservation, is environmentally friendly, and requires less maintenance: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing to broaden the allowable uses of development cost charge reserve funds to include alternate recreation and field surfaces.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing The Ministrys current policy regarding eligible costs associated with parkland development cost charges DCCs was developed in consultation with the Development Finance Review Committee DFRC. DFRC is comprised of Ministry and local government staff, development representatives, and other related organizations. Several years ago, the DFRC conducted a detailed review of this issue and unanimously agreed not to expand the scope of eligible costs for parkland DCCs. In coming to this conclusion, the DFRC stated the purpose of the Parkland DCC is to acquire land and provide basic improvements necessary to develop that land as a useable community park including: fencing, landscaping, and playground equipment. A list of eligible costs associated with parkland DCCs is provided in the Provinces Development Cost Charge Best Practices Guide. Guide available here:… Expensive improvements like pools, arenas, and all-weather playing fields are well beyond the scope of basic improvements for a community park. The Ministry encourages local governments to explore alternative financing tools like designated reserve funds or borrowing to help pay for these type of improvements.

Convention Decision