Whereas BC Housing develops, manages, and administers a wide range of subsidized housing options across the province. BC Housing works with the ministry responsible for housing to address critical gaps across the housing continuum, which range from emergency shelter to rent assistance in the private market to affordable home ownership; And whereas a number of non-profit and charitable organizations support communities across BC as housing providers for vulnerable populations; And whereas many BC communities are working with the Province and BC Housing to determine if sufficient wrap-around services are being implemented to support those in need of housing and the impacts of these housing projects on the community: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request that the Attorney General and Minister for Housing, the Minister of Health, and the Minister of Mental Health and Addictions engage a third party consultant to review the outcomes of the current supportive housing projects, the impacts of the housing projects on communities, and the outcomes of individuals who have accessed these housing options and associated support programs; And be it further resolved that the consultant review opportunities for building a stronger partnership between communities and BC Housing for future, long-term housing projects.