Optional Electric Vehicle Infrastructure


Whereas electric vehicles significantly reduce green house gases emitted to the atmosphere and the adoption of electric vehicles is dependent upon the availability of electric vehicle infrastructure; And whereas there are currently no provisions in the Green BC Building Code or local zoning bylaws for electrical supply points for electric vehicles and it is costly to retrofit electrical conduit or cable in buildings or on properties that have already been constructed or developed: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request that the Government of British Columbia consider an addition to the Green opt-in provisions of the BC Building Code to provide: a for a rough-in electrical raceway or cable, and electrical panel capacity to accommodate a future Level 2, minimum 40 amp electrical circuit for each dwelling unit of one an two family buildings that have parking spaces; and b that each one of 20 of the parking spaces that are required for use by owners or occupier of dwelling units in multiple family buildings be provided with a roughed-in electrical raceway or cable, electrical panel capacity and sufficient space in the electrical room to accommodate a future Level 2, minimum 40 amp electrical circuit and that the electrical room shall include equipment space and panel capacity for 100 of the required resident spaces; And be it further resolved that UBCM request that the Government of British Columbia consider a revision to Part 26, Section 9061a of the Local Government Act to provide spaces and charging infrastructure for use by plug-in electric vehicles, and a revision to Section 9061b to include designation of the parking spaces.

Convention Decision
Not Admitted for Debate