No Forced Amalgamations


Whereas local governments in Canada have traditionally been viewed as creatures of the Province and do not enjoy separate distinct legislative status, but rather are subject to the wishes and will of provincial authority; And whereas in British Columbia, local governments enjoy the highest level of autonomy among Canadas local governments and the nations most equitable relationship with provincial authority, as laid out in the Community Charter; And whereas the practice of the current provincial government has been to recognize and respect the local autonomy of local governments over matters of local jurisdiction including on matters of local government amalgamation; And whereas more specifically, Section 279 of the Community Charter titled No Forced Amalgamations, legally ensures and reinforces that municipal autonomy is the highest value in the relationship with the provincial government: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM seek confirmation from the provincial government and all provincial political parties within the British Columbia legislature with respect to their position on maintaining and respecting Section 279 of the Community Charter.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development Section 279 of the Community Charter No Forced Amalgamations, outlines that a successful vote in each municipality must occur if two or more municipalities were to amalgamate. This section reflects Governments policy on amalgamation.

Convention Decision