Natural Area Tax Exemption Program

Sunshine Coast RD

WHEREAS the Islands Trust currently offers a Natural Area Protection Tax Exemption Program which provides property tax relief of up to 65 for owners who wish to enter into a conservation covenant to protect important natural features of their property; AND WHEREAS regional districts may wish to support and encourage property owners to preserve natural areas for the benefit of future generations: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Ministry of Community, Sport Cultural Development be requested to grant local governments the authority to implement natural area protection tax exemption programs.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Community, Sport Cultural Development This is the first time that regional districts have expressed an interest in having the authority to offer a Natural Area Protection Tax Exemption Program; as such this is not an area that is currently under consideration for legislative review. The Province would be willing to work with regional district representatives to consider questions such as the priority of legislative change for regional districts and applicability of the Natural Area Protection Tax Exemption modelled on the Islands Trust to regional districts and the success of the Islands Trust Natural Area Protection Tax Exemption Program.

Convention Decision
Endorsed as Amended