National Public Safety Broadband Network


WHEREAS the health, safety, security and prosperity of Canadian citizens and public safety responders including police officers, firefighters, and paramedics, and other responders depends upon effective communications between public safety agencies; AND WHEREAS Industry Canada public consultations on the use of the 700 MHz band by commercial mobile services in anticipation of the August 30, 2011 transition from analog television to digital that will free up spectrum for potential use by public safety provides the opportunity to state public safety spectrum needs; AND WHEREAS dedicated spectrum will be a key enabler of the Government of Canadas Communications Interoperability Strategy for Canadas vision of a national public safety communications system based on common user requirements and open standards and a system of systems approach: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Government of Canada recognize the importance of the 700 MHZ spectrum and set aside dedicated public safety broadband, and that the Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia commit the necessary resources to provide vision and leadership as required to build a robust system that meets public safetys mission critical requirements to accomplish communications interoperability between public safety agencies across Canada and across borders.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Public Safety Solicitor General The Province supports efforts to secure dedicated 700 MHz spectrum for public safety broadband, including strongly opposing any potential Industry Canada commercial auction of that portion of the spectrum. We believe that the use of broadband technology is crucial to the future of public safety here and across Canada. As an active member in the national Canadian Interoperability Technology Interest Group CITIG we are working to improve Canadian public safety communications interoperability. The ability of emergency responders and other public safety agencies to communicate effectively, share information and coordinate their operations is crucial to efficient and effective emergency response. Common communication standards, policies, technology and practices are the keys to this ability. As an example, the Province is working with local authorities as part of the Integrated Partnership for Regional Emergency Management IPREM in Metro Vancouver to launch a regional emergency communications strategy and governance development project.

Federal Response

Public Safety Canada Public Safety Canada PS established an inter-governmental Project Management Team in May 2011. The Project Management Team includes federal and provincial representation, a Technical Advisory Group led by the Defense Research and Development Canadas Centre for Security Science, and representation from the Tri-Services and the Canadian Interoperability Technology Interest Group. All made notable contributions to the public safety response to Industry Canadas consultation requesting 20 MHz of the 700 MHz Band. PS, in collaboration with provincial partners, is also currently developing a 700 MHz spectrum implementation plan in consultation with Industry Canada that would meet the needs of the public safety community for mobile broadband wireless data communications.

Other Response

FCM Category D resolution - in accordance with FCM policy. The City of Richmond submitted this resolution to FCM in 2011 and it was adopted by the FCM Board at the September 2011 meeting.

Convention Decision
Endorsed and Referred to FCM