Municipal Insurance Association


Whereas small communities, with limited resources rely heavily on voluntary, non-profit organizations to sponsor or host community events which are supported by the Municipal Council; And whereas small non-profit, voluntary organizations do not have adequate resources to acquire the ever increasing required insurance coverage for their hosted or sponsored events: Therefore be it resolved that the Municipal Insurance Association provide through the municipality, insurance coverage to small, non-profit voluntary organizations for local government approved community events.

Other Response

Municipal Insurance Association of BC The resolution called upon the MIABC to provide coverage to small, noon-profit voluntary organizations for local government approved community events. Unfortunately, the MIA is not legally constituted such that it can provide this service. We are restricted by both our constituting documents and our operating license to insuring our members, who must be cities, towns, villages, district municipalities, or regional districts. This means that we cannot provide the coverage requested. However, we are frequently able to work with our members to arrive at organizational or structural solutions that will permit services provided by or events organized by community groups to be included in our members coverage. This is generally accomplished by having the local government assume responsibility for the matter. We also provide optional accident benefit coverage for volunteers working with our members.

Convention Decision
Referred to UBCM Executive
Executive Decision
Referred to Municipal Insurance Association